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Fifty States. Fifty Stats.
Choose your Stats:
Horizontal State Stat (
Average Life Expectancy (2009)
Median Household Income (2015)
Infant Mortality (2016)
Gini Coefficient (measure of income inequality) (2009)
Per Capita Gross Domestic Product in USD (2016)
Economic Growth Rate (Percent Change in GDP in 2013)
Economic Growth Rate (Percent Change in GDP in 2010-2013)
Number of Billionaires (as of Feb 2016)
State Minimum Wage (2016) (0 means state has no set minimum wage)
Unemployment Rate (September 2017; Seasonally Adjusted)
Poverty Rate by Household Income (2014)
Human Development Index (2016)
Percentage of Workforce who are Union Members (2016)
Percentage of Workforce Represented by Unions (2016)
Federal Tax Revenue Per Capita (Fiscal Year 2015)
Vehicles per 1000 People (2015)
Metric Tons CO2 Emissions per Capita (2014)
Percentage with High School Diploma (2011-2015)
Percentage with Bachelor's Degrees (2011-2015)
Percentage with Advanced Degrees (2011-2015)
Percentage with High School Diploma (2011-2015)
Percentage who were Issued a U.S. Passport in 2016
Firearm Deaths per 100,000 (2013)
Percentage of Counties without Abortion Services (various)
Percentage who Voted for Hillary Clinton
Percentage who Voted for Donald Trump
Percentage who Voted for Gary Johnson
November 2014 General Election Turnout Rates (Percent)
November 2016 General Election Turnout Rates (Percent)
Percent who Said they Attend Religious Services (2014)
Percent who Said Religion "Very" or "Somewhat Important" (2014)
Percent White (2011-2015)
Percent Black (2011-2015)
Percent Hispanic/Latino (2015)
Percentage Estimate who Support Same-Sex Marriage (2015-2016)
Percentage Estimate who Oppose Same-Sex Marriage (2015-2016)
Incarcerated Individuals per 100,000 Adults (2013)
Incarcerated Individuals per 100,000 People (2013)
Homicides per 100,000 People in 2016
Incidents of Manslaughter per 100,000 People in 2015
Percent Electricity from Renewable Sources w/o Hydro (2016)
Percent Electricity from Renewable Sources with Hydro (2016)
Total Fertility Rate (2015)
Birth Rate per 1000 People (2014)
Death Rate per 1000 People (2014)
Population Growth as Percentage (2010 Census-2016 Estimates)
Height of Tallest Building as of 2017 in Feet
Population Size (2010 Census)
Population Density Persons/sq. mi (2015)
Area (sq. mi)
Highest Elevation in Feet
Lowest Elevation in Feet
Year of Statehood
Vertical State Stat (
Average Life Expectancy (2009)
Infant Mortality (2016)
Median Household Income (2015)
Gini Coefficient (measure of income inequality) (2009)
Per Capita Gross Domestic Product in USD (2016)
Economic Growth Rate (Percent Change in GDP in 2013)
Economic Growth Rate (Percent Change in GDP in 2010-2013)
Number of Billionaires (as of Feb 2016)
State Minimum Wage (2016) (0 means state has no set minimum wage)
Unemployment Rate (September 2017; Seasonally Adjusted)
Poverty Rate by Household Income (2014)
Human Development Index (2016)
Percentage of Workforce who are Union Members (2016)
Percentage of Workforce Represented by Unions (2016)
Federal Tax Revenue Per Capita (Fiscal Year 2015)
Vehicles per 1000 People (2015)
Metric Tons CO2 Emissions per Capita (2014)
Percentage with High School Diploma (2011-2015)
Percentage with Bachelor's Degrees (2011-2015)
Percentage with Advanced Degrees (2011-2015)
Percentage with High School Diploma (2011-2015)
Percentage who were Issued a U.S. Passport in 2016
Firearm Deaths per 100,000 (2013)
Percentage of Counties without Abortion Services (various)
Percentage who Voted for Hillary Clinton
Percentage who Voted for Donald Trump
Percentage who Voted for Gary Johnson
November 2016 General Election Turnout Rates (Percent)
November 2014 General Election Turnout Rates (Percent)
Percent who Said they Attend Religious Services (2014)
Percent who Said Religion "Very" or "Somewhat Important" (2014)
Percent White (2011-2015)
Percent Black (2011-2015)
Percent Hispanic/Latino (2015)
Percentage Estimate who Support Same-Sex Marriage (2015-2016)
Percentage Estimate who Oppose Same-Sex Marriage (2015-2016)
Incarcerated Individuals per 100,000 Adults (2013)
Incarcerated Individuals per 100,000 People (2013)
Homicides per 100,000 People in 2016
Incidents of Manslaughter per 100,000 People in 2015
Percent Electricity from Renewable Sources w/o Hydro (2016)
Percent Electricity from Renewable Sources with Hydro (2016)
Total Fertility Rate (2015)
Birth Rate per 1000 People (2014)
Death Rate per 1000 People (2014)
Population Growth as Percentage (2010 Census-2016 Estimates)
Height of Tallest Building as of 2017 in Feet
Population Size (2010 Census)
Population Density Persons/sq. mi (2015)
Area (sq. mi)
Highest Elevation in Feet
Lowest Elevation in Feet
Year of Statehood
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horiz. stat
vert. stat
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